Water Alchemist

Water Alchemists are scholars and warriors of the liquid element, born from the belief that all matter is mutable. Inspired by legends of ancient transmuters who reshaped the very fabric of reality, these practitioners harness the dual nature of water and ice. They believe in the immutable law of equivalent exchange, where every gain requires a sacrifice. Studying cryptic transmutation circles and ancient texts, Water Alchemists see water as a symbol of both creation and destruction. Their art is one of balance – the delicate interplay of boiling heat and frozen cold to sculpt the battlefield or heal allies.

Class Features

Hit Die d8
Primary Ability Intelligence, Dexterity
Saving Throws Constitution, Intelligence


Armor Light Armor
Weapons Simple Weapons, Alchemist's Tools
Tools Alchemist's Tools
Skills Arcana, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception

Starting Equipment

• Alchemist's Tools
• Dagger
• Component Pouch
• Explorer's Pack

Class Resources

Transmutation Points 10 (After a long rest)

Class Abilities


Spellcasting Ability Intelligence
Cantrips Known 2
Spells Known 10
Aqueous Spark
Cantrip Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A small burst of magically-charged water deals minor damage to a target.

Damage: 1d6 cold (+1d6 at 5th level)
Transmute Fluid
Level 1 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous

Alter the properties of a liquid, turning hazardous fluids into harmless water or vice versa.

At Higher Levels:

The effect becomes more potent with additional spell slots.

Boiling Blood
Level 2 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Superheat a creature's blood on touch, causing extra damage and forcing a Constitution save to avoid additional effects.

Saving Throw: Constitution
Damage: 2d8 fire
Conditions: Disadvantage on next attack roll
At Higher Levels:

Damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 2nd.

Frost Lash
Level 1 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

Conjure a whip of ice that lashes out at a target, dealing damage and possibly slowing them.

Saving Throw: Dexterity
Damage: 1d8 cold (+1d8 per higher slot)
Conditions: Target's speed is reduced by 10 feet until end of its next turn
Condensation Shield
Level 2 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute

Surround yourself with a shimmering shield of condensed moisture and ice, granting temporary resistance to fire and physical damage.

Conditions: Resistance to fire damage
At Higher Levels:

Duration increases by 1 round for each slot level above 2nd.

Level 3 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous

Rapidly heat the moisture on a creature's body, causing disorientation and a burst of steam that can stun the target.

Saving Throw: Constitution
Damage: 2d6 fire
Conditions: Stunned until the end of your next turn on a failed save
At Higher Levels:

Damage increases with higher spell slot usage.

Icy Grasp
Level 1 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round

Touch a creature to encase a portion of their body in ice, reducing their mobility and dexterity.

Saving Throw: Dexterity
Damage: 1d6 cold
Conditions: Slowed movement speed until end of next turn
Hydraulic Burst
Level 4 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous

Unleash a focused burst of pressurized water that knocks back and damages enemies.

Saving Throw: Strength
Damage: 3d8 bludgeoning
Conditions: Knocked prone on a failed save
Ebb and Flow
Cantrip Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous

Manipulate the ambient flow of water around you, subtly affecting the environment to your advantage.

Tsunami Transmutation
Level 5 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous

Invoke the overwhelming power of water by creating a miniature tsunami that sweeps across the battlefield, dealing massive area damage.

Saving Throw: Strength
Damage: 4d10 bludgeoning
Conditions: Fallen prone on a failed save
At Higher Levels:

Damage increases by 1d10 per slot level above 5th.

Martial Abilities

Resource Transmutation Points (d6)
Boiling Strike
Action 1 Transmutation Point Level 3

At 3rd level, you can infuse your melee attacks with searing heat. When you strike a creature, you expend 1 Transmutation Point to superheat their bodily fluids, dealing extra damage and possibly impairing their actions.


Boiling Touch feature

Damage Effect
Saving Throw: Constitution
Damage: 1d8 fire (+1d8 per additional Transmutation Point)
Conditions: If the target fails its save, it has disadvantage on its next attack.
Duration: Instantaneous
Frosted Counter
Reaction 1 Transmutation Point Level 5

Starting at 5th level, you can react to a hit by channeling a burst of icy energy. When you are struck by a melee attack, you may use your reaction and spend 1 Transmutation Point to lash out with a shard of ice, potentially freezing your attacker.

Damage Effect
Saving Throw: Dexterity
Damage: 1d6 cold
Conditions: On a failed save, the attacker’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of its next turn.
Duration: Instantaneous
Circling Water
Bonus Action 1 Transmutation Point Level 7

At 7th level, you learn to manipulate water currents around you. By spending 1 Transmutation Point as a bonus action, you can create a swirling current that grants you extra movement and briefly deflects incoming projectiles.

Utility Effect
Conditions: Grants an extra 10 feet of movement and a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Duration: 1 round


Liquid Form
1 minute 1 Transmutation Point Level 4

At 4th level, you can temporarily transform your body into a semi-fluid state. In this form, you move with a fluid grace, squeezing through openings and reducing damage from physical blows.


Gains advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks for navigation, Resistance to bludgeoning damage

Special Actions:

Allows movement through tight spaces as if moving through water


Unable to wield heavy or finesse weapons effectively

Frozen Form
1 minute 2 Transmutation Points Level 10

At 10th level, you can encase yourself in a layer of crystalline ice. This form bolsters your defenses and intimidates foes, but at the cost of reduced agility.


Increases AC by +2, Immunity to cold damage

Special Actions:

Can emit a chilling aura that slows nearby enemies


Disadvantage on Dexterity-based checks and saving throws


Chill Aura
10-foot radius 1 Transmutation Point Level 8

Your mastery over ice allows you to emanate a constant aura of cold. Enemies within 10 feet find their movements sluggish, while allies gain protection against fire-based attacks.


Enemies have their speed reduced by 10 feet and must succeed on a Constitution save or have disadvantage on strength-based checks; allies gain resistance to fire damage.



This aura can be toggled on or off.


Water Wisp
Level 6

A small, ethereal entity formed from condensed water vapor. The Water Wisp acts as a scout and minor combatant, mimicking your transmutation abilities on a smaller scale.

HP 10
AC 12
DEX 14
CON 10
WIS 10
Walk 30 ft.
Swim 40 ft.

Stealth, Perception


Darkvision 60ft


Incorporeal phase allowing it to move through narrow water channels, Evaporates to evade damage, reappearing after a short delay


Attack, Scout


Level 10: HP increases by 5 and movement speed increases by 5 feet.

Level 15: AC increases by 1 and damage resistance improves.

Class Features

Transmutation Circles (Level 1)

At 1st level, you learn to inscribe intricate water transmutation circles on surfaces. These circles act as a focus for your alchemical magic, allowing you to convert available liquid into various effects. The principle of equivalent exchange governs every circle you draw.

Equivalent Exchange (Level 1)

Fundamental to your art is the principle of cost: nothing comes for free. When you perform transmutations, you must offer an equivalent value – be it material components, vitality, or time – to fuel your magic.

Alchemical Reservoir (Level 2)

At 2nd level, you learn to tap into ambient moisture. By drawing water from the environment, you can replenish a pool of Transmutation Points used in many of your abilities.

Prerequisite: Transmutation Circles

Boiling Touch (Level 3)

Starting at 3rd level, your touch can heat liquids rapidly. When you touch a creature or object with a liquid interface (like blood or water), you can attempt to superheat it, dealing extra damage and possibly imposing a condition based on extreme heat.

Resource Cost: 1 Transmutation Point

Prerequisite: Equivalent Exchange

Cryogenic Manipulation (Level 5)

At 5th level, you master the art of freezing. You can seize moisture in the air to create shards of ice, immobilizing foes or creating barriers from rapidly formed ice.

Prerequisite: Transmutation Circles

Fluid Adaptation (Level 7)

By 7th level, your affinity with water grants you an adaptive edge. You become more resilient to environmental effects and fluid-based attacks, reducing damage or adverse conditions imposed by water hazards.

Prerequisite: Alchemical Reservoir

Aqueous Mastery (Level 10)

At 10th level, your transmutations become more potent. Your alchemical circles empower your spells and abilities with increased range and effectiveness, representing your deeper understanding of water's true nature.

Prerequisite: Cryogenic Manipulation

Elemental Synergy (Level 15)

Upon reaching 15th level, your control over water and ice begins to border on the elemental. You gain the ability to combine multiple transmutation effects in a single action, reflecting the fluid interplay of boiling and freezing forces.

Prerequisite: Aqueous Mastery

Transcendent Transmutation (Level 20)

At 20th level, you achieve a form of transmutation that transcends normal limits. By sacrificing a portion of your own vitality, you can cause dramatic shifts in the battlefield, whether by unleashing devastating boiling eruptions or creating impenetrable ice fortresses.

Resource Cost: Varies (vitality cost)

Prerequisite: Elemental Synergy

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